The Unexpected Feedback - Everyone Has A Story
I have had to stop looking at feedback about the book until I'm at home. It can stop me dead in my tracks - and not just because of the kind words that are sent my way - but because so many of them have come with their own story.
Without a doubt, the thing that has shocked me most are the stories that people share after reading the book. From their own battles with depression, to fertility challenges, to relationship struggles and more. In some cases, these are people I consider myself close to, but they chose to keep the struggle to themselves. In some cases they kept it to themselves for fear of embarrassment, fear of judgement, or perhaps sometimes to deny that it was their reality.
It seems that the vulnerability in the book has allowed others to be a bit more vulnerable and open too. It has been an unexpected gift of the book and proves once again that everyone has a story - and in some cases stories that we don't even know we are a part of.